Why I’m Less Afraid of the Illiberal Left than the Authoritarian Right

Dustin Arand
7 min readSep 13, 2021

Cancel culture, de-platforming, Twitter mobs; we’ve all heard plenty of stories about progressives abandoning the norms of liberalism in the name of fighting social injustice. And sometimes those criticisms have merit. Some of those anti-racism seminars do smack of Mao-era self-criticism circles. And when you see school districts expending energy on renaming buildings rather than getting students back into classrooms (which would do a lot more to improve the educational success and hence life prospects of minority students) you can’t…



Dustin Arand

Lawyer turned stay-at-home dad. I write about philosophy, culture, and law. Author of the book “Truth Evolves”. Top writer in History, Culture, and Politics.