Someone born to a tribe of Hunter gatherers has a future life trajectory that can be fairly well predicted by looking at the life trajectories of others in the same tribe. The options for different forms of life, including those with many more vistas I’d choices (in terms of both geographic movement and career development) are clearly much more circumscribed relative to someone born into a large technologically advanced civilization.
And obviously it got to be technology advanced because it fosters innovation.
You can’t hold together large-scale civilizations without formal institutions, meaning government and laws.
Something like this happens at the level of the individual organism as well. In The Principles of Psychology William James argued that, contrary to Descartes and many subsequent thinkers, what sets intelligent humans apart from other animals isn’t the substitution of reason for instinct; if anything, we have MORE instincts, and consciousness is the result of needing a recursive executive to rank competing instincts and choose between them. Governments perform a similar function as societies get more complex.