I guarantee you 99 percent of people playing Hogwarts legacy don’t know or care about this debate. Most are too young even to have an opinion on it that isn’t just their parents’ views regurgitated.
As for judging art on its own merits, I’m all for that. No one gets the last say on the meaning of a work of art, not even the author. It’s not privilege to point that out, it’s just a fact. Every human culture produces art, and in every human culture art production exists alongside art criticism, which is not only the process of judging a work’s merits but also debating its meaning.
I’m an atheist. I’ve often said the fastest way to create more atheists is to have people actually read the Bible. You might disagree with Rowling on some issues, but honestly the Harry Potter series is a big part of the reason that Millennials take it for granted that racism and sexism are wrong.