I don't have any problem criticizing political correctness. I've even written an article on why "unhoused" isn't an improvement over "homeless."
What bothers me, though, is the facile catastrophism - gleefully fed by reactionary media outlets and conspiracy theorists - that says political correctness will cause the downfall of Western Civilization.
Prove it.
Because all I really see is the same cultural evolution that's always happened. And most of the attempts to police our thoughts through government action aren't even directed at enforcing left-wing orthodoxy. Exactly the opposite, in fact. The government is generally more concerned with enforcing conservative beliefs about religion and patriotism. It's the private sector where you need to watch what you say for fear of being "cancelled."
Picking Donald Trump over any Democrat for this one issue alone strikes me as gross civic negligence. Your vote should be based on a holistic understanding of current and potential trajectories in law and regulations, and the likely rulings of judges and administrative agencies on various issues.
To make it all about some amorphous concept that people will define in culturally self-serving ways is just an excuse not to do the hard work of understanding actual law and policy, the arguments in favor and against specific ideas or proposals, etc.