All those words and not a single reason among them. Just instructions for brainwashing myself. But I knew it was a joke by the time you recommended repeating the mantra 666 times. I laughed out loud.
It’s funny you think I inhabit some kind of liberal cocoon. In reality all my family are Trump supporters, except for my wife. Most of my friends are conservatives or independents. They certainly don’t like Democrats, though Trump’s know nothingism and classlessness turn them off as well.
Point is, these people are not strangers to me. Nor are their beliefs and values. After more than twenty years of following the news, studying political science and law, I know what’s at stake in any given election, and what I want out of my leaders and the judges and bureaucrats they appoint. I know Trump won’t give me those things, and while Democrats won’t give me all of them either, they’ll do a lot better.